Museum of New Mexico
IDEA Photographic: After Modernism Themes
Themes Artists Images Essays About idea Photographic
Early to Late Modernism
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Photogram Aesthetic

In the early nineteenth century, the first photographers experimented with scientific images from nature. They exposed organic forms, such as leaves from nature, in direct contact onto light-sensitive paper. The modern aesthetic of the camera-less photograph, later known as the photogram, grew from the inventiveness click to enlarge of Christian Schad, Man Ray, and László Moholy-Nagy, early in the twentieth century, and from that aesthetic the idea of the photogram as an independent modern art form was born. Because modern, man-made objects dominated the subject and content of the photogram, this new art form tended to express ideas in abstract and geometric form, light, space, and process, instead of the purely descriptive power of conventional photographs made with the camera. The photogram aesthetic also influenced related developments in solarized prints and photographs as seen in examples here.

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