Museum of New Mexico
IDEA Photographic: After Modernism Artists
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Boris Ignatovich (Ukrainian, 1899-1976)

Boris Ignatovich (also spelled Ignatowitsch) was a member of the Russian avant-garde and an influential pioneer of Soviet photojournalism. In 1927, he photographed power plants and factories for the magazine Bednota. He and Alexander Rodchenko were the first photographers for Dajosch, which furnished information on industrialization and the Cultural Revolution. Also a movie cameraman, Ignatovich worked on the first sound film, Olympiad of the Arts. He was a member of "Oktjabr," the union of artists, architects, film directors, and photographers. His work appeared in an all-union exhibition of Soviet photography, National Pushkin Museum, 1937.
- Anita Ogard

Selected Bibliography
Ignatowitsch, Boris. Boris Ignatowitsch. Koln, Germany: Galerie Alex Lachmann, 1994.

Shudakov, Grigory. Pioneers of Soviet Photography. New York: Thames and Hudson Inc., 1983.

20 Sowjetishe Photographen, 1917-1940. Amsterdam: Fiolet & Draaijer Interphoto v.o.f., 1990.


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